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Creating Templates Managed by Footing

Under the hood, footing uses cookiecutter to gather user input about a project and then spin up a local directory with the project scaffolding. In order to learn more about how to make your own cookiecutter template, consult the cookiecutter docs.

After you have created a template and published it to Github or Gitlab, it will be displayed with footing ls and can also be used by footing setup. There is no additional setup required. Make sure the description of your repo is filled in, because that will be returned when users type footing ls -l.

Making Project Creation Seamless with Cookiecutter Hooks

Once you have created a cookiecutter template and published it, it will work with footing out of the box, but there are ways to make project setup even more seamless.

For example, say a cookiecutter template has been created at When the user calls footing setup, the templated project will be created locally, but the user will be left to do remaining setup steps manually (like pushing to Github, setting up continuous integration, etc).

Cookiecutter offers the ability to insert pre or post generate hooks before and after a project is created, allowing project-specific setup steps to happen. Some of the examples given in the hook docs include ensuring a python module name is valid.

Hooks can be used for initial project setup in a variety of ways, some examples including:

  1. Creating a remote github repository for the project
  2. Pushing to a remote github repository after the project is created
  3. Adding default collaborators to a project
  4. Setting up continuous integration for a project
  5. Creating an initial server for a web app along with a domain name

Keep in mind that cookiecutter hooks are called during footing setup and footing update. Although hooks should be idempotent in the case of transient setup failures, sometimes it is not desirable to have hooks execute during setup and update. In order to customize this behavior in your hooks, footing exports the _FOOTING environment variable and sets it to value of the command being executed (i.e. "ls", "setup", or "update").

Below is an example of creating a hook in the hooks directory of the template. The script ensures that the cookiecutter template is only used by footing and not by cookiecutter or another templating library:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if not os.environ.get('_FOOTING'):
        raise Exception('This template can only be used by footing')

Here's an example of pushing the newly-created project to github with a file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import subprocess

def call_cmd(cmd, check=True):
    """Call a command. If check=True, throw an error if command fails"""
    return, check=check)

def push_to_github():
    call_cmd('git init')
    call_cmd('git add .')
    call_cmd('git commit -m "Initial project scaffolding"')
    # Use the "repo_name" template variable
    call_cmd('git remote add origin {repo_name}')
    ret = call_cmd('git push origin master', check=False)
    if ret.returncode != 0:
        # Do additional error handling if the repo already exists.
        # Maybe the user already created the remote repository..

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Only run these commands when "footing setup" is being called
    if os.environ.get('_FOOTING') == 'setup':

In the above hook, the push_to_github function is called only when running footing setup. In other words, this hook code will not run on footing update or any other commands that invoke the template to be rendered.

As shown above, variables that are part of the template, like {repo_name} can be referenced and used in the hooks. If the above fails, it will cause all of footing setup to fail, which will in turn not create any local project on the user's machine. Idempotency of project hooks should be kept in mind when designing them.


The hooks shown can also be written in shell and named and